Qualitative measurement to determine residual macroscopic constraint in thin film and coatings

Research project NO/B/005 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :

This pilot project will enable to accelerate the introduction of standards for the measurement of residual macroscopic constraint by elaborating both the research results and the solutions developed to facilitate measuring residual macroscopic constraint in thin film and covering layers of a series of case studies conducted at Belgian universities the Instituut voor Materiaalonderzoek van het Limburgs Universitair Centrum and the Departement Metaalkunde en Toegepaste Materiaalkunde at Catholic University of Louvain). The methods of measurement can thus be evaluated both scientifically and technically and adapted, if appropriate, with the end purpose of standardizing measurement methods.

The project will be implemented in three phases :

- The first involves establishing measurement methods to determine elasticity constants for thin films and covering layers;

- The second covers the development of methods of measurement to determine elasticity;

- The third is to use what has been ascertained in the first two to measure residual macroscopic constraint in thin film and covering layers.

The purpose of pursuing these goals is to develop measurement and testing methods which make it possible to determine residual macroscopic constraint on the basis of both the diffraction of X rays and deflection. This will lay the groundwork for developing European standards, including the quantification of their field of application.

To ensure that the project meets the needs of both business and research institutions, it was decided that it would be conducted as a series of case studies at Belgian research institutions and in a business. They are all active in a variety of different sectors of manufacturing.

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

Kwantitatieve meetmethodologie voor het bepalen van inwendige spanningen in dunne filmen en deklagen : eindverslag    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1167)
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