Research project NO/B/013 (Research action NO)
1) To provide those involved (industry, scientific research, governmental authorities and users of the table of food ingredients) with a reliable, accurate measurement instrument in exchanges of data on the nutritional composition of foodstuffs.
Exchanges of analytical data should be governed by a uniform standard and standardization is essential in both sampling procedures and processing analytical data.
The validation of analytical data must meet the following conditions:
- analyses must be conducted in accredited laboratories;
- standardized, validated methods must be used;
- samples of the food must be representative of its composition.
2) EEC directive 90/496 of 24.09.90 on the nutritional labeling of foods was enacted into Belgian law by the Royal Decree of 8.01.92. The directive lays down the rules for labeling foodstuffs offered for sale in the EU. Manufacturers are responsible for the accuracy of the nutritional values indicated. Consequently they should check whether the figures are correct at the outset. It is a legal requirement for the Belgian market and that in the other European Member States. The purpose of the project is to contribute to standardizing such analytical data and increase the reliability of the information supplied.
The inclusion of a European dimension is extremely significant. We will respond to this by cooperating with the BCR (Bureau communautaire de référence) and the CEN (Comité Européen de normalisation) as to make a detailed study of the best way of interpreting EEC Directive 90/496 in Belgium, i.e. for Belgian businesses and consumers.
3) The project aims to gather together all reports available in Belgium. To achieve this the programme directors of the 3 projects will make every effort to work as effectively as possible with laboratories with a mastery of the subject. Circulars will be developed for the purpose.
Nutriënten Kwaliteitszorgprogramma (NUKWAP): Normalisatieprocedures en kwaliteitsborgingssysteem voor analysegegevens in de Belgische voedingsmiddelentabel : eindverslag
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1174)
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