Efficiency and durability of hydrofugal products

Research project NO/B/017 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :

The objectives of this project are as follows:

- to define and propose methods to characterize the performance of surface hydrofuges on the basis of what is currently known and what can be learnt from work on the subject in laboratories as regards :

. efficacy;
. durability;
.side effects on aspect and the diffusion of water vapour.

- to define and propose criteria for suitability or acceptability expressed in figures.

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

Efficacité et durabilité des produits hydrofuges de surface : rapport final = Doeltreffenheid en duurzaamheid van hydrofobeermiddelen : eindverslag    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1179)
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