Transposition and dissemination of information in connection with fire safety in buildings

Research project NO/C/020 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :

The proposed programme connects with the activities under parts I and II of the "Scientific Support Programme for Standardisation" and is designed to complete this work. Under part I an inventory was drawn up of standardisation and certification in Belgium and Europe. Under section II research is being carried out to support national and European standardisation. This work must now be completed by disseminating useful information to all the parties involved in fire protection. The dissemination of this information is the central theme of this research project and will be organised as follows:

A. Adaptation of the available information

A vast amount of information is currently available. New information is also being constantly generated as a result of European harmonisation and on-going research. This information is not readily accessible for all the interested parties and is certainly not made available in any structured way. This is why the information must be adapted for communication via the two channels we plan to use.

B. Dissemination of the information

B. 1. Creation of a databank

The aim of the databank is to store the information and to make it available in a readily accessible and user-friendly way.
The databank will be accessible at a net location via the Internet (web site).

B.2. Organisation of seminars

It is not enough to have the information available in an accessible databank. All interested parties must be made aware of current changes in the field of fire protection, in accordance with European standardisation. The many small businesses, and also the fire services and governments, must understand the new procedures and standards, and also understand their technical and economic implications.

This can be achieved by holding seminars, a more appropriate form of academic education given the large number and variety of fields covered.

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

Transpositie en verspreiding van informatie in verband met brandveiligheid in gebouwen : eindverslag    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1183)
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