Research project NO/C/021 (Research action NO)
A recent survey carried out on behalf of the DWTC (Federal services for scientific, technical and cultural activities) shows that machine manufacturers and machine users do not have a good knowledge of technical guidelines and that there is a great need of information on standards relating to machine safety.
As a solution to the problem, this project will set up an information platform providing relevant training and information (principal mission) as well as an interactive telematics system providing the user with information and a forum for the exchange of knowledge between users, experts, the government and the BIN (Belgian Institute for Standardisation) (second mission).
Workshops will be organised as part of the first mission. These are in fact training sessions, the content of which both machine manufacturers and machine users can immediately apply in practice. Texts will be produced which can continue to be used after the workshop. This approach is primarily aimed at SMEs.
The second mission will involve providing information on standards by means of modern means of communication. This information will be permanent and will considerably reduce the task of various services and organisations. The system will help solve a great many problems related to these technical guidelines.
By setting up ‘news groups’ the telematics system will also be able to actively participate in standardising the CEN/CENELEC’s various TCs. The five players are: industry, experts on these guidelines, government, the scientific world and the BIN.
Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version
Een informatieplatform inzake technische regelgeving en normalisatie betreffende veiligheid van machines : eindverslag
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1184)
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