Recommendations, prenormative research and norms for a sustainable agrofood production chain

Research project NP/DD/06 (Research action NP)

Persons :

Description :

The aim of this project is to draw up an inventory of existing norms, prenormative activities, and recommendations aimed at ensuring sustainability in agriculture.

Given its expertise in the various sectors of the plant-production chain (mechanization, fertilization, crop management, plant protection, plant breeding, genetic resources), and its involvement in various international and European commissions, the Gembloux-based Centre de recherches agronomiques is perfectly placed to identify weak points in the present situation, and to monitor any measures that are taken.
Although the bulk of the inventory relates to production means and inputs, there will also be analysis of product quality in relation to the production system. The environment, viewed from the standpoint of a sustainable system of agriculture, will be treated as a production factor interacting with the other factors.
Moving beyond existing norms, we need to draw up an inventory of the recommendations and warning-systems already in use, to identify any gaps, and to suggest new lines of investigation with a view to increasing production capacity without damaging our environment.

Documentation :

Recommandations, recherche prénormative et normes pour des filières agroalimentaires végétales durables : rapport final  François, Etienne - Hallaux, Bénédicte - Ninane, Véronique  Bruxelles : SSTC, 1999 (SP1084)
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