Research project NP/DD/29 (Research action NP)
Univ., Fac. Agri. & Appl. Biol. Sci.) and the UCL (Louvain Univ., Fac. Law, Centre of Consumerrights; Fac. Eco. Soc. & Pol. Sci., Communication Dpt.) has the purpose to create a new tool, namely a multi-criteria evaluation instrument for agri-food SMEs concerning the quality control (legislation, HACCP, quality assurance) aiming at supporting and motivating SMEs.
This progress strategy for SMEs has to be placed within the framework of:
- the new policy of total quality management of the Belgian State;
- the competitivity of Belgium in the Single Market;
- the required presence of Belgium in the European standardisation (CEN);
- the application of the European directives concerning hygiene, responsibility of the producer and the consumer safety;
- the practical experience of the project members.
This project associates in an original way the skills of 4 scientific disciplines which are essential to the creation of an integrated audit instrument of the agri-food SMEs by means of the most adequate criteria. The audit must contribute in the respect of the legislation requirements (« Responsibility of the Producer ») and stimulate the willing initiatives of the SME towards the quality. This new tool will enable to complete the national databases in respect of the quality policy in the agri-food production.
The first part evaluates the conception of the plants, the fabrication and storage processes. It refers to Belgian and European regulations concerning infrastructure and functioning (HACCP) and to the most essential quality assurance data for food.
The second part investigates the SME with regard to the rights and expectations of the client by 3 essential points: information to the client by means of product description (labelling, quality marks, additional data), food safety and complaint handling.
The third part deals with the internal and external communication of the SME: guaranteeing the circulating of the information between functions, the continuous training of the personnel and the quality of the relations with the clients.
The fourth and last part of the project evaluates the incidence of the process in terms of sustainable development (optimisation of the resources) and environment (management of the cleaning and sanitising as also management of the waste).
The pilot project covers a period of two years with 10 SMEs and informs the concerned Institutions (Services involved in Food Control and Veterinary Inspection, Belgian Institute for Standardisation) of the results obtained.
Multi-criteria audit tool for the technical quality management within the agri-food SMEs: report Audifood project
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0823)
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Multi-criteria audit tool for the technical quality management within the agri-food SMEs: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0824)
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Guide grille d'audit Région Bruxelles-Capitale: table des matières
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0825)
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Audit multi-critères de gestion technique de la qualité en PME agro-alimentaires: résumé opérationnel
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0933)
[To download]