Research project P2/02 (Research action P2)
Welding is generally recognised as a major critical step in the production of a metallic structure. Profitability needs to be coupled to optimum joint properties. Moreover, with good reason larger attention goes out to the environmental soundness of the welding processes. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a joining technique with provides a solution to all these concerns, and it is perfectly suited for welding of aluminium alloys.
Project description
CASSTIR aims to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of FSW applied to a number of different cases. The joint characteristics will be studied into detail (including fatigue, corrosion and residual stresses) as function of the welding parameters. The influence of the used FSW equipment on the parameters will be examined. All this will serve as input data for numeric modelling, and should lead to the drafting of guidelines and good practice rules. Demonstration pieces will be produced, and a comparison with be made with an alternative production process, in terms of environmental impact and economic feasibility.
The main obstacles for industrial application of FSW in Belgium are the unawareness of its capabilities and advantages, and the high investment and license costs. Based on the Follow-up Committee recommendations, two aluminium alloys are selected with differing and sufficiently broad domain of application. Determination of the optimal parameters for the realisation of FSW demonstration pieces is based on a detailed investigation of FSW test welds. Modelling should assist this determination. A comparison in terms of properties, costs and environmental friendliness will be made with currently used production techniques.
Interaction between the different partners
UCL-PRM and CEWAC are the only 2 Belgian research institutes in possession of FSW equipment. Their apparatus is complementary, so the research executed within this project is of great importance, both for the academic world as for the Belgian aluminium-processing industry. CENAERO, subcontractor to UCL-PRM and CEWAC, is responsible for the modelling of the process and the weld behaviour. The BWI and UGent carry out the major part of the weld characterisation (mechanical behaviour resp. corrosion properties). The BWI also takes charge of the role of coordinator of CASSTIR. Throughout the years, fruitful collaborations were already formed between the partners in various projects.
Expected results and/or products
It is expected that, supported by the project results, on a 5 year term at least 6 Belgian companies from sectors such as transportation, automotive or aerospace will make use of FSW as manufacturer, subcontractor or client. Through the experience generated within the project, the research partners will be able to assist these companies during the concrete implementation.
Contribution of the project in a context of support to innovation and transfer of knowledge
This project aims at introducing the ecologically sound friction stir welding technique into the Belgian aluminium processing industry. The project will support these innovation-minded companies, not only by means of delivering input data and guidelines, but also through a contribution to the international standardisation efforts (ISO, EN, IIW) concerning this joining technique.
UCL-PRM has the largest academic knowledge of FSW in Belgium, while the research centre CEWAC possesses 2 advanced FSW machines which serve the needs of diverse companies. The BWI has decades of experience in terms of welding processes, technological guidance and elaborate weld characterisation. The academic and industrial knowledge at the Corrosion Department of UGent will allow analysing the corrosion behaviour of the welds in detail.
Contact information
Wim Van Haver
Belgian Welding Institute (BWI)
Research Center of the BWI
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Ghent
Tel: +32 (0)9 292 14 05
Fax: +32 (0)9 223 73 26
Bruno de Meester
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Département de mécanique (MECA) – Unité de production Mécanique et Machines (PRM)
Place du Levant 2
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 25 03
Fax: +32 (0)10 47 25 01
Alban Geurten
Centre d’études wallon de l’assemblage et du contrôle des matériaux (CEWAC)
Branche Assemblages et Contrôles Associés
Rue Bois St Jean 8
B-4102 Ougrée-Seraing
Tel: +32 (0)4 256 94 00
Fax: +32 (0)4 264 60 34
Jacques Defrancq
Ghent University (Ugent)
Corrosion Department
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Ghent
Tel: +32 (0)9 264 32 64
Fax: +32 (0)9 223 73 26
Follow-up Committee
Patrick Van den Bossche – Agoria
Johann Hansoul – Aleris Aluminium Duffel
Sabine Spangel – Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH
Nadia Werkers – Aluminium Center Belgium
Laurent D’Alvise – CENAERO
Andrew Norman – Corus Research Development & Technology
Yvon Masyn – IWT-Flanders
Davy Caboor – MGG Antwerpen
Werner Van Dorpe – ESAB
Marc Ryckeboer – Sapa RC Profiles
Yves Marchal – Sonaca
Rudy Voet – Vinçotte Laboratoria
Benjamin Vandeputte – WTCM-CRIF
This list can be extended. The project aims at suppliers of semi-finished products, manufacturers and potential clients, research institutes, and all other instances which may benefit from the knowledge and transfer of the results generated within the project.
Innovative joining of critical aluminium structures with the friction stir welding technique (CASSTIR) : final report
Van Haver, Wim - de Meester, Bruno - Geurten, Alban ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2010 (SP2205)
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