Research project P3/41 (Research action P3)
Unravelling of the complex relationship between processing method, structural characteristics and functional properties in order to develop new families of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers and composites). Interdisciplinary and multimethodological approach within the broad field of materials science and engineering.
Development and alloy design of new alloys and metal matrix composites; fabrication and characterisation of structural ceramics, bioceramics, thoughened glass composites and ceramic superconductors; optimization of metal forming processes, elaboration and characterisation of surface modified materials such as electrodeposited coatings, multilayers and hard ceramic coatings produced by vapour deposition; mechanical analyses of polymer matrix composites, study of new architectures of the reinforcing fibres, new manufacturing and joining techniques; quality control and non-destructive testing of materials; high temperature and high pressure corrosion; artificial intelligence and advanced information systems.