Research project PA/22 (Research action PA)
The WTCM/CRIF research center is faced with the facts that:
1. a lot of companies still have a lack of knowledge about the existing technical regulations and their related standards. They also want to be informed about the new technical directives and standards;
2. there is not enough support towards industry from research centers and universities concerning the practical application of these regulations and standards. The industry asks for solutions in order to make their products conform to directives and standards;
3. as to future directives and standards the experts of research
centers- and universities are not enough involved in the legislation and standardisation process. Future legislation and standardisation is very important to industry because they will determine the way their products will be built tomorrow;
4. the research at the universities (technological and prenormative) is not always in line are with the requirements of the future directives and standards. There is no proper dialogue between industrial experts and universities and WTCM/CRIF.
To solve these shortcomings the respective tasks within the project are:
1. to inform industry by promoting standardisation and technical regulation as a useful economic and social tool that has the potential to play a larger role in protecting the environment and the health and safety of workers. This is done by organising seminars throughout the whole country.
2. to transfer the knowledge and the results of research towards more applicable projects. This is organised by the means of
- specialised international seminars
- specific projects triggered by the Belgian industry, formulated by companies in the committee of potential users.
3. to participate in the standardisation activities of the Technical Committees of CEN/ISO, CENELEC/IEC related to each workpackage and to participate in the stakeholders meetings of the European Commission, international forums and the National Ministries regarding the future legislation.
4. to create a dialogue between the industrial experts and the universities and WTCM/CRIF so that the research programs focusses more on the technological challenges of the new directives and standards. The project aims to contribute to standardisation in the mechanical and mechatronical field which has an impact on the environment, health and safety. The investments of industry to make the machines more environmentally friendly and safer are very large and contribute to the benefits of the individual and whole society.
As to the environmental aspects the project will deal with:
Workpackage 1: Noise and vibration
Workpackage 2: Lifecycle environmental aspects
Workpackage 3: Emissions of engines. As to health and safety aspects the project will deal with:
Workpackage 4: Health and safety aspects of machinery.
Workpackage 5: Electromagnetic compatibility health and safety aspects
CHASM : Coping with health, environmental and safety aspects in standards for machinery : final report
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1831)
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