Litigation between public authorities and citizens : study of three administrative juridictions

Research project PC/06 (Research action PC)

Persons :

Description :

The research concerns the functioning of appeals councils within the Public Centres for Social Welfare (CPAS), the military councils, and the permanent deputations in their capacity as bodies of appeal against certain decisions at the level of the commune. The research consists of a set of monographs concerning studies on the population composed of those who appealed to these juridictions over the period spanning 1986 through 1991, on the manner in which the appeal was treated -as concerns the functioning of the permanent deputations-, and on the persons who relinquished their right of appeal. The procedures are then systematised, as a comparison is made with international standards (as was done in the Netherlands).

Documentation :

Tussen burger en beleid: een studie van zeven ombudsdiensten uit de publieke en privé-sector  Huyse, L. - Duerinckx, K. - Van Dael, E.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0340)

Administratieve rechtscolleges een rechtsvergelijkende studie: onderzoek naar de noodzaak tot rationalisatie en/of decentralisatie  Vande Lanotte, J. - Cromheecke, M. - Lefranc, P.  DWTC, 1997 (SP0341)