Research project PC/10 (Research action PC)
The objective of this research is to examine possibilities for giving better legal protection to minors in the framework of the legal protection of juveniles, given on one hand the current cultural and socio-economic trends and on the other hand the impact of internationalisation on Belgian law as it pertains to juveniles.
In recent years, a reform movement has been triggered, which questions the concepts of the "model of protection" stemming from the law of 1965 on the protection of juveniles, especially as concerns juvenile delinquency and legal safeguards for minors.
In this regard, the recent division of jurisdictions, following the 1988 State reform, also plays an important but complex role. Furthermore, several initiatives are taken in various countries to avoid having to settle in court a case involving (a) juvenile(s) or which aim to give the court proceedings a different content (diversion, mediation, restitution, a.o.). The project examines the impact of these developments on juvenile law in Belgium, especially as applies to the legal safeguards of minors during the preliminary investigation phase of "criminal" cases. In this area concepts are developed on which to base an innovative juvenile legal system (de lege ferenda).