Research project PC/17 (Research action PC)
The legal protection organised by the standards of social law is analysed through its enforcement. First we examine the state of protection afforded by the texts alone, then we measure their effectiveness in the field.
The instrument for measuring this effectiveness is the public department in charge of labour inspection.
We also examine relations between policy and administration (how is the political intent to protect managed?), and we examine whether the manner in which the system of protection is administered is in agreement with the expressed political intent. This ultimately brings to light any discrepancies between the functions standards are meant to fulfil and their actual effects.
Droit du travail: effectivité, efficacité?: actes du colloque organisé par Créations et Recherche Pluridisciplinaire (CeRP) dans le cadre du Centenaire de l'Institut de Sociologie de l'ULB
Nayer, André Bruxelles: La Charte, 1996 (PB5190)
L'inspection du travail et la protection juridique du citoyen
Nayer, André - Borrens, Guy - Baltazar-Lopes, Stéphane Brugge: La Charte, 1995 (PB5191)
Inspection du travail: l'inspection du travail et la protection juridique du citoyen
Nayer, A. - Baltazar-Lopes, S. - Borrens, G. SSTC, 1995 (SP0354)