Research project PC/19 (Research action PC)
The project produces an inventory of the forfeits/losses and incapacities that result automatically from penal convictions, examines to what extent and at what time the sentenced person becomes aware of the totality of the penal sentence, and constructs adequate software so that legislators can impose on judges the obligation to mention in their decisions all elements of the sentence, so that it is pronounced in full and that an appeal can be made in the appropriate way at the appropriate time.
Traquer le droit pénal occulte: inventaire des interdictions et déchéances légales découlant automatiquement d'une condamnation pénale
Kellens, G. - Lemaître, A. - Bayard, F. ... et al. SSTC, 1994 (SP0355)
L'information juridique en milieu pénitentiaire
De Coninck, Gérard - Demet, Sabine - Kellens, G. ... et al. SSTC, 1996 (SP0356)