Funding of perinatal hospital care in Belgium

Research project PE/ES/05 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

As a result of medical trends and of new patient preferences in perinatology, it is imperative to make a clearer distinction between levels of care when deciding the relevant measures to be taken.
Public policy in the area, however, is hindered by the funding system, which has not sufficiently kept pace with these trends. The objective of this research is to carry out studies aimed at helping policy makers to decide which adjustments are necessary in the area of the funding of doctors' fees (broken down into fees per se and expenses), hospitalisation costs, and investments in medical apparatus.

The research notably involves an analysis of reimbursed medical interventions in this sector and an analysis of the structure of costs in maternities, neonatal departments, and intensive perinatology centres.

All of this will lead to the concrete elaboration of a funding system favouring the least costly use of the means available for this type of care and ensuring a more adequate distribution of these means among the institutions and providers concerned. The methodological and conceptual approach used may also offer possibilities for application to other areas of hospital care.

Documentation :

Financiering van de perinatale ziekenhuiszorg  Cannoodt, L. - Vleugels, A.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0329)