Ordinary and special taxation and the functioning of the employment market in Belgium

Research project PE/FI/02 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

The research aims :

- to test how and to what extent, in the Belgian economy, ordinary and special taxation influences wage levels and the supply and demand of labour, and to examine the implications for employment;
- to compare the determinants of labour supply and demand and of the mechanism by which wage levels are set in Belgium with those observed in other EU and OECD countries, in relation to ordinary and special taxation;
- to study the possible implications of fiscal harmonisation within the EU as to the functioning of the employment market in Belgium;
- to examine the possibility of making fiscal adjustments with no budgetary incidence that would increase the efficiency of the employment market in Belgium;
- to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of the so-called "social contract" in our country, through which decreased fiscal pressure would be balanced by the moderation of wage-earnes'wages.

Documentation :

Fiscaliteit, parafiscaliteit en de werking van de arbeidsmarkt in Belgie  Van Poeck, A. - Van Rompuy, P. - Vanneste, J. ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0309)