Research on the effectiveness and efficiency of the fiscal administration as regards its organisation and staff in the framework of its mission

Research project PE/FI/03 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

The research aims to answer the following questions :

- how can one characterise the management of human resources and the organisation of work within the Department of Finance?
- what are the main problems facing the Department (in terms of effectiveness and efficiency)?
- how and to what extent can these problems be attributed to the management of human resources and/or the organisation of labour? What factors (human and organisational) determine the current levels of effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy?
- what measures should be taken regarding the management of human resources and the organisation of labour in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department's functioning? At what levels should these measures be taken (workplace, division, the Ministry, or the whole public sector)? Which human or organisational characteristics constitute an obstacle to the innovating forces within the organisation?

The analysis is not limited to a description of the Department or to an inventory of problems, but aims to formulate proposals for redefining the organisation and management of human resources. This research can best be described as research-action, meaning that the agents concerned are associated from the start with formulating the various problems and analysing the results of the research, which should provide a basis for organisational innovation.

Documentation :

De reus in beweging: optimalisatie van personeelsbeleid en arbeidsorganisatie in de administratie der directe belastingen  Corthouts, F. - Henderickx, E. - Meeusen, W. - Rigaux, M. ... et al.  DWTC, 1995 (SP0310)