Research project PE/FI/07 (Research action PE)
The fiscal system has impacts on the choices individuals make as how they divide their income between saving and consumption and as how they choose to invest their money. The various econometric studies conducted to date in order to estimate of the effect of the fiscal system on labour supply have yielded inconclusive or even contradictory results insofar as certain necessary data are missing.
The prerequisite to a micro-economic analysis if the effects of the fiscal system on individual labour supply and on saving and consumption behaviours is thus to have very complete individual data on household behaviours in relation to labour supply, consumption, and saving. This will make possible a valid analysis of joint models of men's and women's availability for employment.
The use of a panel will make it possible to better describe and predict behaviours related to labour supply according to the point in the life cycle.
Summary of the research project :
- Constitution of a panel;
- Simulation of the tax system;
- Estimate of labour supply functions;
- Effects of the tax system on labour supply.
A fiscal model.