Development of models in the fields of taxation and social security

Research project PE/MO/01 (Research action PE)

Persons :

  • M.  DE VOS Willy - Federal Planning Bureau ()
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/5/1992-30/4/1996

Description :

The modelling work aims :

1° to develop a short-term macroeconomic model: MODTRIM, in conformity with the decision of the C.M.C.E.S. dated 21 December 1990;

2° to perfect models of tax revenue and models for processing social security data, in the framework of a macro-sectorial model (HERMES) which is already totally operational and which aims to study specific variants of fiscal and social policy;

3° to pursue the development of the M.A.L.T.E.S.E. system (Model for Analysis of Long Term Social Expenditure), with a view both to improving the model itself and to exploring long-term policy variants.