Economic analysis of the health care sector for integration of the results into models of macroeconomic equilibrium

Research project PE/MO/02 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

The main objective of this research is to provide policy makers with reliable management tools for orienting health policy, in the short- and long-term perspectives, both at the macroeconomic level and as concerns the internal management of the sector. These models will integrate the mechanisms which are specific to the health "market" and should make it possible:

(1) to judge the external effects of the development of the health care sector as a whole, on the basis of value added and employment;
(2) to make predictions as to the development of the sector and as to the financial balance of medical insurance, in relation to the evolution of economic variables ( standard of living, activity level, medical techniques...) and demographic variables (evolution of the age pyramid, immigration, ...);
(3) to apprehend the (short- and long-term) dynamic effects of a given health care policy on macro-economic equilibria.

The link between health care and the rest of the economy will be ensured by building a "health care block" to be integrated into the macroeconomic HERMES model developed by the Planning Office (Bureau du Plan). Construction of the health care block will involve an in-depth analysis of the internal dynamics of the "health branch" and will be based on the "health capital" notion.