The family dimension in social security : inventory, cost, and distributive effects

Research project PE/SS/02 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

This research stems from the observation that reflections aimed at assisting the decision process, concerning the necessary modelling of social welfare according to the family status, cannot be limited to the traditional (and disputed) models of replacement income.

The research objectives are :

- to establish an inventory of all measures linked with family policy, within and outside the scope of social security;
- to calculate the related costs ("family account");
- to measure the horizontal and vertical distributive effects;
- in a comparative European context.

This should lead to operational policy proposals as to how these means might be re-allocated.

Documentation :

De gezinsdimensie in de sociale zekerheid: inventaris, kostprijs en verdelingseffecten  Deleeck, H. - Cantillon, B. - Storms, B. ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0316)