Effectiveness of "social security" : research on the individualisation of "social security"

Research project PE/SS/05 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

This research aims to inventory and codify the social (in the wider sense) expenditure supported by public authorities or organisations.

This codification should make it possible to break down this social expenditure according to :
- the institution that incurs it;
- the funding source;
- the economic function (operating cost, transfer, ...);
- the nature (allocation to a collective asset, transfer of revenue, ...);
- the objective ("functional allocation").

A code used for part of the social expenditure will indicate whether or not the said expenditure is modulated according the household. Where applicable, modulation according to other characteristics of beneficiaries will also be examined for this part of the social expenditure.
The objective of this system for codifying social expenditure is to produce a diagram of social expenditure flows and a certain number of interesting tables than can be updated on a permanent basis.

Documentation :

De sociale uitgaven in Belgie  Omey, E. - Van Eeckhoutte, W. - Denduyver, J. ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0319)