Research project PE/SS/06 (Research action PE)
This research aims to analyse to what extent expected economic and demographic conditions, on one hand, and pension schemes, both public and private, will provide a sufficient income for senior citizens. The work will be conducted along three lines. First we shall calculate, for each working person enrolled in a public pensions plan, the updated value of the contributions he/she will have to pay and of the benefits he/she will receive. This concept, known as a person's "due pension", can be used to appreciate the distributive character (both inter- and intra-generational) of public pension schemes. Next, we shall attempt to evaluate the incidence that the evolution currently observed in public and private pension schemes is likely to have on the redistribution of senior citizens'resources in the coming decades. Lastly, we shall develop a model of dynamic overall equilibrium taking explicit account of the interactions between decisions made by households (saving, retirement, participation in the work force, education), companies (employment, investment), and public authorities (taxes and social security).