Harmonising the loss of income for wage-earners (Harvart)

Research project PE/SS/09 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

The objective of this research is to harmonise the methods for calculating loss of income calculated under the various social security systems, in the framework of insuring wage-earners against this risk by offering compensatory income or benefits. Whatever the cause of such loss -jobleness, disablement, invalidity, reaching retirement age, occupational injury, occupational illness - the employer is always asked to supply information concerning the reference salary that serves as a basis for calculating the compensation/benefits. Although the reference salary is a historical fact expressing a single, unchangeable reality, each system questions the employer differently, with widely diverging questionnaires and instructions. This situation generates enormous costs and problems, which can be largely solved by a computerise approach.
The project develops a method for rationalising the calculation of loss of income on the basis of the new O.N.S.S. (National Social Security Organisation) statement. Since 1990, all information concerning workers' salaries and working hours are stored trimestrially in a data base. These data can be processed so as to become usable by all organisations for the purpose of calculating loss of income. Access to this enriched source can be granted via the Social Security administration's "Banque-Carrefour", which will be totally operational in 1992. This would not only put an end to an enormous flow of data on paper between employers, workers, and organisations, but would also make it possible, for the first time, to harmonise in practice the concept of workers' remuneration.

Documentation :

Projet Harvart: harmonisation de la perte de revenu du travail chez les travailleurs salariés  Hostelard, S. - Van Der Vorst, P. - Viaene, J. ... et al.  SSTC, 1996 (SP0323)