Research project PS/07 (Research action PS)
Use of the results obtained in the previous programmes and know-how with respect to genotoxicity of chemicals. This information will be made available via various media (Internet site, publications, symposia). These actions will offer policy managers and company doctors a working system for interactively implementing, together with expert laboratories, hazard determinations and risk calculations for occupational exposures.
Development of a user-friendly interactive website with the following information:
. National and international norms for mutagens/carcinogens.
. For each substance the relevant data with respect to biomarkers for exposed occupational populations in the scientific literature
. Methods for risk calculation using the biomarkers
. Practical manual for taking and handling samples.
Organisation of a symposium to provide information to the government and companies. Participation in scientific meetings organised by associations of company doctors.
The publication of utilisation publications in the form of a scientific review and co-operation on an informational primary prevention brochure.