Research project PS/13 (Research action PS)
The objective of the study is to monitor the development of lower-back problems among younger workers, who at the time that the study begins are free of recent back complaints and have no serious back injuries in their anamnesis. For this study, a group of workers will be solicited via co-operating companies, both in the health care sector and industrial companies, located throughout Flanders and Wallonia. The medical follow-up of the workers will take place via an appropriate research methodology and in consultation with the industrial physicians of the companies involved. An adapted and standardised method for clinical back examination is applied, both at the time of intake and during the subsequent examinations. Account is also taken of personal factors and extra-vocational stress factors. The findings from the medical research are tested against the data from ergonomic analysis and the risk evaluation of the working situation, as provided in the research section performed under the direction of the Promoter, Prof. P. Mairiaux (ULg). Constant co-ordination is provided for between the medical component and the ergonomic workstation analysis, and with the promoter-coordinator.
Follow-up studie naar etiologische en prognostische determinanten van beroepsgebonden rugpijn : eindrapport = Etude de cohorte des déterminants étiologiques et pronostiques des maux de dos liés à la profession : rapport final
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1317)
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Follow-up study into the etiologic and prognostic determinants of work related back pain : final report
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1318)
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Etude de cohorte des déterminants étiologiques et pronostiques des maux de dos liés à la profession : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1319)
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Follow-up studie naar etiologische en prognostische determinanten van beroepsgebonden rugpijn : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1320)
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Follow-up study into the etiologic and prognostic determinants of work related back pain : summary
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1321)
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