Research project SE/A5/01 (Research action SE)
This research is Belgium’s participation in the International Labour Office’s research into discrimination against migrant workers and ethnic minorities in the world of work.
The project consists of three research activities and an initiative to disseminate the outcomes.
A. The three research projects:
1. The first project detected illegal discriminatory activities through an empirical documentation phase based on a survey conducted in all three constituent regions of the country.
2. The second project assessed the effectiveness of the country’s legislation and measures against discrimination through a theoretical and operational study of rules in the entire Belgian corpus.
3. The third project assessed the effectiveness of measures taken in the areas of training and equal treatment by assessing the training activities carried out in the country’s two major communities (the Dutch and French-speaking Communities of Belgium).
B. Dissemination outcomes
The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Combatting Racism organised the transfer of the research’s outcomes
- by holding a press conference and distributing the research report published by the OSTC nationwide;
- by a series of meetings confronting some prime actors (employers, labour unions, and placement agencies) with the empirical survey’s findings.
Discrimination à l'embauche en raison de l'origine étrangère: contribution belge à la recherche comparative internationale du Bureau International du Travail
Feld, Serge - Nayer, André - Rigaux, M. ... et al. SSTC, 1997 (SP0387)
Etnische discriminatie bij de aanwerving: belgische deelname aan het internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek van het Internationaal Arbeidsbureau
Feld, Serge - Nayer, André - RIgaux, M. ... et al. DWTC, 1997 (SP0388)