Efficacy, fairness and political feasibility of social protection for senior citizens

Research project SE/D1/01 (Research action SE)

Persons :

Description :

Social security currently faces a crisis explainable on the one hand by the emergence of factors such as population ageing, the decline of
growth, changes in family structures, tax competition, etc., and on the other hand by the system's non-adaptation to these trends. The research
aims to shed more light on the interaction between a social security system introduced half a century ago and this new reality. This implies
getting a better picture of demographic trends, the distribution of income according to age and generation, and the electoral behaviour of
Belgians regarding social security reforms. They also want to better understand the implications of the different modalities of financing social
security and allocating benefits.
This requires a discussion, both theoretical and empirical, of the relative merits of social security contributions versus income or sales taxes, of
financing by distribution versus capitalisation, of the Beveridgian (uniform benefits) versus the Bismarkian (contribution-linked benefits) approach.
Where necessary, the reflection goes beyond the field of retirement pensions to include health, since health insurance is a predominant
concern for the elderly.

Documentation :

Femmes marocaines et conflits familiaux en immigration: quelles solutions juridiques appropriées?  Foblets, Marie-Claire - Carlier, Jean-Yves - Dassetto, Felice ... et al.  Antwerpen: Maklu, 1998 (PB5211)

Marokkaanse migrantenvrouwen in gezinsgeschillen: wat zijn passende juridische oplossingen?  Foblets, Marie-Claire - Carlier, Jean-Yves - Dassetto, Felice ... et al.  Antwerpen: Maklu, 1998 (PB5212)

De toekomst van onze pensioenen: doelmatigheid, billijkheid en politieke haalbaarheid van de sociale bescherming voor bejaarden  Pestieau, Pierre - Gevers, Louis - Ginsburgh, Victor ... et al.  Leuven: Garant, 2000 (PB5561)

Réflexions sur l'avenir de nos retraites: efficacité, équité et faisabilité politique de la protection sociale des personnes âgées  Pestieau, Pierre - Gevers, Louis - Ginsburgh, Victor ... et al.  Leuven: Garant, 2000 (PB5562)