Social exclusion of juveniles and street crime in the city: research in juvenile criminology and social geography

Research project SE/D3/01 (Research action SE)

Persons :

Description :

The Youth and Criminology Research group and the Institute of Social and Economic Geography are pooling their complementary
experience, the aim being to conduct in-depth research on the complex process that proceeds from macrosocial and macroeconomic exclusion
mechanisms in the cities and which leads to the "choice" made by certain young people (young adult males) to adopt a delinquent life-style. The
project focuses particularly on certain aspects that have not yet been sufficiently analysed scientifically or which have not been integrated into
a consistent analysis of the processes that generate the link urbanisation-social exclusion-criminality:

(1) the link between social exclusion and delinquency is tied in with the social and spatial context of the city and its mutations.
(2) The project will focus particularly on the exclusion mechanisms that operate during leisure time.
(3) We examine how these mechanisms are liable to form a recruitment reservoir for what is called "hard-core youth" in the cities.

The theoretical basis consists of
(1) the accumulated data of criminology surveys on city crime, including a delinquent-oriented and a situation-oriented component,
(2) the abundant criminology literature on frequent and persistent juvenile delinquency and
(3) an analysis of the impact of social and economic trends on the new, more pronounced forms of social exclusion and on the urban restructuring and concentration that accompany them.

The empirical study is conducted in Brussels. Focusing on four levels, it unfolds cumulatively from a broad quantitative survey to in-depth
qualitative biographical studies.
(1) Diverse qualitative indicators distributed over the Brussels territory: population, housing, functions, infrastructure available for occupying
young people's spare time; the work includes recording misdemeanours perpetrated by juveniles; questioning the young on their recreational
needs and on their behaviour during their spare time.
(2)The above item is investigated more deeply in two carefully selected "problem neighbourhoods". It focuses on formal and informal
aspects of neighbourhood life, on the living conditions and prospects of young people, how they adapt to them (survival strategies, problem
behaviour, delinquency), conflicts and how they are solved. The material is being collected by participative observation in a general form, over a
three-year period, with the help of various specific techniques.
(3) We monitor two "hard core" gangs of juveniles and young adults loitering in the street, selected on the basis of level (2). The aim is to discover their (variable) composition, life styles, value orientation, loitering behaviour and problems linked with it, their involvement in "the industry of vice". The method used is to "track" a problem group over a 15-month period.
(4) Biographical study of about 15 members selected on the basis of the data supplied by levels (2) and (3), focusing on the juveniles'
trajectories within the social institutions and on they experience it, on their current lifestyles, their prospects, their vision of society and approach
to delinquency.

Documentation :

Urbanisation, exclusion sociale des jeunes et criminalité de rue: résumé de la recherche  Vercaigne, Conny - Walgrave, Lode - Mistiaen, Pascale ... et al.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0688)
[To download

Verstedelijking, sociale uitsluiting van jongeren en straatcriminaliteit: samenvatting van het onderzoek  Vercaigne, Conny - Walgrave, Lode - Mistiaen, Pascale ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0689)
[To download

Urbanization, social exclusion of youth and street crime: summary of the research  Vercaigne, Conny - Walgrave, Lode - Mistiaen, Pascale ... et al.  Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0690)
[To download

Verstedelijking, sociale uitsluiting van jongeren en straatcriminaliteit  Vercaigne, Conny - Walgrave, Lode - Mistiaen, Pascale ... et al.  Brussel : DWTC, 2000 (SP0786)