Research project SE/D7/03 (Research action SE)
The Belgian federal government has decided to change the concept of hospital recognition by making a distinction between "basic" and
"specialised" functions. While the former would be present in all hospitals, the latter would be organised only at a limited number of locations, for
reasons such as a limited number of patients, high investment costs, or the minimum case load required to preserve medical expertise. Public
authorities need a political instrument for implementing this concept. This project aims to analyse and design instruments that can be used by
public authorities to provide specific functions and render them accessible to all Belgian citizens, so as to promote both quality care and the
efficient use of means. The development of such policy instruments implies firstly that a methodology be developed that defines and clearly
specifies the notion of specialised functions. This in turn requires systematic assessment of the need for such specialised care (need
assessment) and an evaluation of the medical procedures available both for new and existing interventions (HTA - health care technology
assessment). Finally, the system for financing health care must also be adapted according to the distinction between basic and specialised