Research project SE/D9/01 (Research action SE)
Firstly, we examine how and to what extent the leeway of Belgian federal authorities has been limited by European and national trends. In the legal sphere, we make an inventory of existing European and international regulations, taken in the broader sense, and their impact on Belgian social policy. In parallel with this legal study, we inventory on one hand current cross-border migratory labour flows, and on the other hand company relocation from Belgium to other countries within and outside the EU.
Secondly, we examine to what extent Belgium has already adapted its legislation in compliance with the inventoried supra/international
regulations. Above all, we examine those areas where Belgian federal authorities remain or are to remain competent.
Thirdly, we make a number of predictions and formulate scenarios as to the political framework of the social field as it may emerge over the
first decades of the coming century.
The fourth aspect of our research involves checking, scenario by scenario, how the Belgian federal authorities might best prepare,
operationally and structurally, to meet the challenges of each scenario.
Ruimte voor een belgisch sociaal beleid in een geïntegreerd Europa: juridische dimensie
Pieters, Danny - Schoukens, Paul - Hauben, Herald ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 1998 (SP0574)
Ruimte voor een Belgisch sociaal beleid. Pour une intégration sociale au niveau de l'Union Européenne. Quelle place pour la Belgique?: summary report
Pieters D. - Alaluf M. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0698)
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Ruimte voor een Belgisch sociaal beleid. Pour une intégration sociale au niveau de l'Union Européenne. Quelle place pour la Belgique?: beknopte voorstelling
Pieters D. - Alaluf M. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0699)
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Ruimte voor een Belgisch sociaal beleid. Pour une intégration sociale au niveau de l'Union Européenne. Quelle place pour la Belgique?: présentation succincte
Pieters D. - Alaluf M. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0700)
[To download]