Research project SO/01/003 (Research action SO)
In the first part of this research (carried out mainly by HIVA and CERISIS) we look at the question of the effectiveness of different forms of work in the ‘social insertion economy’ (entreprises de formation par le travail, entreprises d’insertion, leerwerkcentra (learn & work centres), invoegbedrijven (insertion enterprises), sociale werkplaatsen (social workshops)). In addition to the level of employment, the evaluation criteria include quality aspects (the content of the work, working relationships, terms of employment and working conditions), effects on the overall living situation, employee welfare and satisfaction. As far as possible, a comparison is made in each case with people who have not passed through the social insertion economy and people employed in the regular labour market. The theoretical framework for the study includes elements from modern welfare economics (Sen, Dworkin) as well as from psychology, thus combining ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ measurement methods.
In addition a social cost-benefit analysis is carried out in order to evaluate the efficiency of various forms of work from a social perspective.
The second part of the research (carried out by the CES (ULg) examines the concept of ‘collective impact’ as well as the measurement methods used to quantify this impact. Apart from the economic approach, this part also contains an analysis of the legal constraints determining the possibilities for subsidization of social integration enterprises.
Sociale economie, maatschappelijke integratie en algemeen belang = Economie sociale, inclusion sociale et intérêt général
Nicaise, Idesbald - Nyssens, Marthe - Maree, Michel ... et al Gent : Academia Press, 2005 (PB6149)
Economie sociale, inclusion sociale et intérêt général : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1447)
[To download]
Sociale economie, sociale inclusie en algemeen belang : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1448)
[To download]
The social economy, social inclusion and the public interest : summary
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1449)
[To download]
Bibliografic references :
L'engagement solidaire et le tissu associatif
MERTENS S. Revue Louvain n° 136, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2003/Mar
Rôle, atouts et limites du secteur privé, du secteur public et de l'économie sociale
MARTENS S. L'Economie Autrement, vol. 3, HEC, Liège., 2003