Research project SO/01/062 (Research action SO)
The research project aims to answer three interrelated questions:
1. Which forms of conflict and co-operation between firms and new social movements do exist (typology)?
2. What is the impact on organisations (both in relation to internal organisational changes as well as in relation to their relations with their social environment?
3. Which role can government play in these new forms of conflict and co-operation?
De mondiale economie : regulering doorheen conflicten? Nieuwe vormen van samenwerking tussen ondernemingen en nieuwe sociale bewegingen = L'économie globalisée: une gouvernance au-delà des conflits? Nouvelles formes de coopération entre firmes et nouveaux mouvements sociaux
Maenen, Seth - Rihoux, Benoît - Marx, Axel ... et al Gent : Academia Press, 2007 (PB6198)
L’économie globalisée: une gouvernance au-delà des conflits? : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1607)
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De mondiale economie: regulering doorheen conflicten? : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1608)
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The global economy: governance beyond conflict? : summary
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1609)
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