Research project SO/12/049 (Research action SO)
Insertion in the social economy is an activity that spans social action, training and economic activity and targets continuous, global action ranging from socialisation (refreshing of knowledge and individual valorisation) through to the acquisition of social (acquisition of existential competence - "savoir-être" - and access to active citizenship) and professional ("know-how") skills up to and including active and interdependent participation in the production process. The tools linked to insertion in the social economy are varied and may emanate from public or private initiatives or social-economy initiatives in the strictest sense.
Whereas insertion in the social economy may form a suitable response to the crises affecting the welfare state, it is important to analyse its assets and verify the conditions under which its support will be useful, but also outline its limits in order to heighten its impact. Insertion in the social economy is designed to target complementarity, as opposed to competition, with traditional tools and public policy measures and with the traditional private economy.
Based on the work conducted previously within CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public and Cooperative Economy) and its international network, this study aims to exploit the results obtained in Belgium and, more especially, in Wallonia. The aim of this is to formulate arguments that can support political decision-making for the purpose of responding more effectively to the challenges posed by exclusion and unemployment in our country.
Following an inventory of social economy tools for the insertion of populations at risk, there will be a study of complementarity between:
- types of organisation for insertion in the social economy
- types of support measure for insertion in the social economy
- and between other support bodies for insertion in the social economy.
Next, a two-level assessment will be conducted of the effectiveness of tools being applied in Belgium in support of insertion in the social economy:
- macroeconomic - link between budgetary amounts assigned specifically to certain tools in support of insertion in the social economy and the type as well as number of beneficiaries;
- microeconomic - comparison of results from satisfaction surveys (in terms of the quality, stability and durability of reinsertion) investigating certain tools and involving both beneficiaries as well as typical actors from the area of insertion in the social economy.
Finally, public policy recommendations will be formulated regarding new partnerships for improved insertion in the social economy field.
L'économie sociale d'insertion. Analyse des complémentarités et de l'efficacité des outils d'économie sociale : rapport final
Fecher, Fabienne - Sak, Barbara - Grosjean, Philippe ... et al Gent : Academia Press, 2002 (PB6011)
L'économie sociale d'insertion. Analyse des complémentarités et de l’efficacité
des outils d’économie sociale : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1432)
[To download]
De sociale inschakelingseconomie. Analyse van de complementariteiten en van de doeltreffendheid van de sociaal economische middelen : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1433)
[To download]
The social economy of integration. Analysis of the complementarities and efficiency of the tools of the social economy : summary
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1434)
[To download]
Bibliografic references :
L’économie sociale d’insertion: analyse des complémentarités et de l’efficacité des outils d’économie sociale.
SAK B., e.a. Gent, Academia Press, 2003