Study of recent developments in the technical field and work organisation and their interrelations: a preliminary international comparative and longitudinal study

Research project SS/D1/03 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

This study examines the hypothesis of "new production concepts". A production concept consists of the overall body of corporate strategies regarding personnel (policy), technology and the organisation of work and production. The linkage between quantitative and qualitative data on the new trends is not available as yet. What's more, current data does not allow generalisations to be made.

Documentation :

Arbeidsorganisatie in een veranderende confectienijverheid  Huys, R. - Henderickx, E. - Bundervoet, J.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0252)

De uitgestelde transformatie: technische en sociaal-organisatorische herstructureringen in de chemische, de automobiel-en de machinebouwindustrie  Bundervoet, J. - Henderickx, E. - Huys, R. ... et al.  DWTC, 1995 (SP0253)