Disability-free life expectancy in the elderly. A method for well-being planning and decision-making

Research project SS/D5/01 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a policy instrument for a welfare-orientated policy. It seeks to develop a method for determining health priorities based on morbidity. The health priorities obtained in this way are compared with priorities determined according to mortality data alone. The basis for establishing priorities are the theoretical number of years of additional life expectancy without invalidity and general life expectancy gained by eliminating a particular condition. The method is useable for both the population as a whole and for specific groups in the population, such as the proposed study population - persons aged 55 or over.

Calculation of life expectancy without invalidity over time makes it possible to ascertain whether people in Belgium are not only living longer but more "healthily". By taking account of age and social and economic variables, it is possible to identify and track at-risk groups.

Documentation :

Netwerken in gerontologie: synthese van onderzoeksrapporten = Réseaux dans la gérontologie: synthèse des rapports d'étude  Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, Ingrid - Geerts, Christel  Leuven: Acco, 1996 (PB5217)

De levensverwachting zonder invaliditeit op hogere leeftijd: een methode voor planning en besluitvorming in de gezondheidssector  Stroobant, A. - Lagasse, R. - De Backer, G. ... et al.  DWTC, 1995 (SP0278)

L'espérance de vie sans invalidité des personnes âgées: une méthode de planning et de prise de décision dans le secteur des soins de santé  Stroobant, A. - Lagasse, R. - De Backer, G. ... et al.  SSTC, 1995 (SP0279)