Contribution to ethics concerning ageing

Research project SS/D5/04 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

The ethical questions arising from ageing is examined in divergent order and from a single angle - from either a bio-ethical point of view or in terms of the organisation of society, with the aim of producing a prompt answer to the functional shortcomings of social structures or State action.

The project sets up an interdisciplinary and interuniversity group with the task of providing vital academic material to enable an ongoing debate to commence in society regarding the ethical questions associated with the differential ageing of the population and individuals. The activities of the group also relate to the analysis of current ethical positions as adopted in concrete situations and to the orientation that has to be given to the discussion if it is to be pursued in dynamic fashion in the public forum and if it is to fulfil its reflective and proactive function.

This collective project requires a high level of methodological coherence between procedure and content. In the process, special attention is paid to the effective interest of the participants. Each participant is asked to develop a theme on the basis of a guidance text in which the themes to be dealt with are subjected to preliminary formalisation in the context of the ethics of ageing. A systematic approach is adopted to produce a synthesis that will be widely disseminated in a variety of circles concerned on a daily basis with these questions.

Documentation :

Ethique des vieillissements  Van Wanseele, C. - Brau, J. - Moulin, M.  SSTC, 1994 (SP0282)