Poverty and inequality of opportunity in education

Research project SS/D6/01 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

There are two parts to this project:

1. A theoretical study of the literature offering an explanation for educational deprivation and the results of remedial programmes.
2. A qualitative, empirical study into the influence of socio-cultural and family variables on success figures.

This empirical research is carried out on two categories of children - a highly deprived group on the one hand and children from working-class families on the other. In-depth interviews with these children, their parents, teachers and headteachers, reveal the influence of socio-cultural and family factors on their advancement and chances of success.

Documentation :

Kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs: een biografsch onderzoek naar het schoolgaan in arbeiders- en kansarme gezinnen  Verhoeven, J.C. - Kochuyt, T.  DWTC, 1995 (SP0287)