Research project SS/D6/03 (Research action SS)
This is a longitudinal study with the objective of predicting and understanding the educational and social careers of a cohort of 24 year-olds, regarding whom the team has personal and family data stretching back to when they were 5-6 years old.
The approach is two-fold: on the one hand it is quantitative with the aim of ascertaining the most discriminatory variables in the educational and social career. On the other hand, it is qualitative, with the objective of understanding how such a pattern came to be established.
The researchers formulate questions regarding the existence and influence of early factors, seeking to ascertain more precisely those characteristics that have the greatest influence. They then explore the extent to which the child-rearing model is transferred from one generation to another.
The importance of the research lies particularly in its contribution to the underpinning, legitimacy and refinement of programmes for training parents, educators, child-rearers and children on how to bring up families.