Networks and social exclusion

Research project SS/D6/08 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

The study is concerned with the role of formal and informal networks in the production and perpetuation of social exclusion in an urban environment.
It is noteworthy that the application of the concept of "networks" in social work is running ahead of the theoretical and empirical reality known until now. If networking possibilities are to be fully and properly exploited with regard to at-risk groups, it is important to bridge this gap by means of research.

The following questions are central to this. Do at-risk groups really have to fall back on strong links with their family, friends or neighbours to enable them to cope with their problems? What is meant by strong network ties? Could it not be the case that networks of this kind have an oppressive rather then supportive and stimulating function? How, and under what conditions, are ties possible with external networks (the formal social work sector)?

Documentation :

De netwerken van de armen  Vranken, J. - Steensseens, Katrien - Vandenabeele, Joke ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0294)