Motivation of civil servants: condition of effectiveness and efficiency in human resources management

Research project SS/D7/01 (Research action SS)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  DEPRE Roger - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/12/1991-31/12/1994

Description :

Three conditions have to be met by a motivational career system for civil servants:

1. civil servants have to seek promotion;
2. sufficient opportunities for advancement have to be present in the
3. there has to be a link between performance and career.

The study focuses on the two latter aspects which give rise to the following question: how can civil servants be further motivated?

The study sets out to determine with respect to level 1 and 2 civil servants at national and regional ministries:

1. what are their promotion opportunities;
2. how civil servants with few promotion opportunities can be motivated.

A third stage deals with the problem of senior management at the ministries. An international comparative study is carried out to determine how senior civil servants can be selected, assessed, trained and rewarded. A number of proposed reforms are evaluated.

Documentation :

Motivatie van ambtenaren: voorwaarde voor een efficient en effectief bestuur  Depré, Roger - Hondeghem, Annie - Moreels, Ann  DWTC, 1995 (SP0295)