Research project SS/D8/02 (Research action SS)
The point of departure for this study is the necessity of external support for growth and innovation at small and medium-sized enterprises. In view of the problem that exists in harmonising the service sector with small business, the study focuses on the way effective and efficient services orientated towards the small business sector could stimulate its expansion.
The study questions are targeted at the supply of services to companies, at demand from small business and at interaction between the two.
The basic questions are:
I. What services are offered and to what extent are these geared to the individual character of small business? What is their quality and how
can this be measured?
II. What obstacles are there to the orientation of the service sector towards small business, and to the harmonisation of the two?
III. What are small business's needs (advice, training, legal, social and financial support, etc.) with respect to the service sector?
IV. How do services reach the small business and are they easy to integrate in that business's operation, thereby raising organisational efficacy?