Research project SS/D8/04 (Research action SS)
The purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the development dynamic of the sector offering "services to companies in the field of personnel management", this in relation to both the supply and the demand side. These are placed in the overall context of process functions that may be considered for externalisation. Particular attention is paid to two segments within the sector: an established practice, i.e. temporary work, and a new practice, i.e. outplacement. The orientation of the study is towards detecting rationalities, patterns of interaction and the impact at company level of the tendency towards externalisation.
The supply, organisation, cost factor and regulation of the service sector are significant determinants for companies with regard to choices as to whether or not to use outplacement.
This has policy relevance in terms of the desired regulation of the sector (will a unified Europe tolerate such legislative diversity?), in terms of the optimum positioning of the government as a supplier of these services (is there a need for additional government services such as individual outplacement guidance at the Employment and Vocational Training Agency) and in terms of the process of interaction between the social partners.
Doen, doen doen of doen doen doen: diensten aan ondernemingen m.t.b. personeelsbeleid. Een analyse van aanbod- en vraagzijde
Timmerman, Koen - Martens, Albert - Sels, C. DWTC, 1994 (SP0303)
De vraag naar diensten M.B.T. personeelsbeleid
Vandyck, Claudine - Arryn, Peter - Sels, C. DWTC, 1995 (SP0304)