Employment, work and training

Research project SS/S01 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

This resource centre develops data series relating to employment and unemployment, career development, the transition from school to labour market and collective labour relationships.
The tasks of the resource centre are:

a) at the information level:
- setting up information centres responsible for gathering and making available statistical series, research reports, specific professional literature;

b) at the methodology and research level:
- development of methodologies for harmonising, analysing, interpreting and updating existing data series;
- supplementing and expanding existing data series with dynamic labour market data gathered through surveys and panel research;
- creating a database on graduate entry into the labour market;
- career and career development analysis;
- investigating the possibilities of creating a database on dynamic developments with regard to collective labour relationships;

c) at the level of creating a research network:
- initiatives like the publication of a newsletter, research reports, the organisation of seminars, study days, colloquiums and study groups.