Research project SS/S07 (Research action SS)
This resource centre supports social research into women's issues by setting up an information centre for researchers, political, economic and social circles and interested women's organisations.
This aim is achieved by cataloguing:
- recent or ongoing women's studies in Belgium;
- the principal actors in the field of the "social position of the woman".
The UIA gathers data on women from recent research material and empirical and statistical data, and opens this up by means of secondary analysis and other methods.
The ULB brings together a group of experts who compare the different approaches and specific methodologies of feminist research.
The collected data and information are collated into a "handbook", published at the end of the project. This contains:
- a catalogue of women's studies in Belgium;
- a catalogue of documentation sources and their locations;
- the frames of reference applying to research into women;
- available research data and statistical material relating to women;
- a review of methodologies used in feminist research.
Women's studies: manuel de ressources
(Point d'appui ULB)
Vogel-Polsky, E. - Beauchesne, M.-N. - Zaïd, L. ... et al. SSTC, 1994 (SP0248)
Women's studies: handboek: een liedraad voor onderzoek in Vlaanderen
(Steunpunt UIA)
Andries, M. - Cantillon, B. - Delhaye, C. ... et al. DWTC, 1994 (SP0249)