Research project SS/S09 (Research action SS)
The primary aim of this resource centre is to set up a sufficient number of large databases on the political attitudes and behaviour of Belgian voters.
During the first stage, a large-scale longitudinal (panel) study is set up with the aim of tracking 5,000 Belgians over three to five years' of parliamentary elections. The panel will be constantly supplemented with "new" respondents to ensure that the size and representativeness of the sample are retained.
This will allow short and long-term developments to be studied and compared between the Belgian Communities and Regions and with the results of foreign research.
A permanent network of interviewers is set up in Flanders (networks of this kind already exist in the French-speaking part of the country). Other aspects of the methodological part are: the further development of standard interviewer training, research into the influence of the questions on the answers, multivariate analysis, random sampling and statistical assessment procedures.
The resource centre is concerned here with important methodological spin-offs that could benefit other resource centres. To be more precise, the interviewer network is used by other resource centres too.