Study of job stress: standards, determinants and prospective study into the relationship with absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases

Research project ST/03 (Research action ST)

Persons :

Description :


Theme of the network:

The influence of perceived job stress and its relationship with absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Theme of the secondary study:

The purpose of the secondary study is, drawing on the findings of the main study, to develop instrumentation that will allow a diagnostic process for job stress to be established in the relevant companies, based essentially on Karazek scores. When this has been achieved, the study will turn to the development of therapeutic techniques designed to modify the level of workplace stress.

Evaluation of the practical introduction of diagnostic and therapeutic intervention with regard to the relationship between job stress and health.


Objectives of the network:

- To describe the distribution of job stress scores, according to the model established by Robert Karazek, in different professional groups, both men and women aged between 35 and 59, in the context of a prospective 3-year study.

- To study the relationship between the job stress score measured by the Karazek questionnaire and the incidence of fatal and non-fatal infarcts.

- To study the relationship between the job stress score and the incidence of absenteeism.

- To evaluate perceived job stress in a conceptual model that also takes account of organisational antecedents, objective stress indicators and
subject-specific modulators.

Objectives of the secondary study:

To catalogue "views" on the instrumentation, standards and recommendations that have been developed.
To make operational and to implement the conclusions and recommendations arising from the main study.
Field evaluation of the developed instrumentation, standards and recommendations.
Formulation of preliminary recommendations regarding guidelines for psychosocial and organisational factors affecting job stress in order to arrive at preventative measures and standards.

Prospective epidemiological study into the distribution of perceived job stress in a population aged between 35 and 59 and a prospective study into the relationship between job stress, absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Objectives of Prof. De Backer's personal contribution to the main study:

Contribution to the realisation of the network's objectives.
To fulfil the role of coordinator between the network's different research groups.

Objectives of Prof. De Backer's contribution to the secondary study:

Provision of scientific documentation on the relationship between perceived job stress on the one hand, and absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases on the other.

Research into the impact on perceived job stress of organisational and psychosocial determinants, into short-term stress responses and into the consequences of long-term stress, including the development and validation of objective experiential indicators of job stress.

Objectives of Prof. Coetsier's personal contribution to the main study:

- Contribution to the understanding of organisational, functional, personal and situational factors relevant to our understanding of job stress,
responses to stress (in the short term) and the consequences of stress (in the long term).

- Developing objective criteria for job stress, and bringing these criteria into operation in the form of an indicator to allow comparison of job
stress under different conditions.

Objectives of Prof. Coetsier's contribution to the secondary study:

- This service will be responsible for providing scientifically evaluated documentation on:
the study of organisational, functional, personal and situational factors determining perceived job stress, responses to short-term stress and the
consequences of long-term stress; the measurement of job stress.

Prospective epidemiological study into the distribution of perceived job stress in a population aged between 35 and 59, and a prospective study into the relationship between job stress, absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Objectives of Prof. Kornitzer's personal contribution to the main study:

- To work in close cooperation with the Coordination Centre
(Prof. De Backer's service, see contract ST/02/006).

- To contribute to the realisation of network objectives.

Objective of Prof. Kornitzer's personal contribution to the secondary study:

Provision of scientific documentation on the relationship between perceived job stress on the one hand and absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases on the other.

Research into the impact on perceived job stress of organisational and psychosocial determinants, into short-term stress responses and into the consequences of long-term stress, including the development and validation of objective experiential indicators of job stress.

Objectives of Prof. Karnas' contribution to the main study:

- To contribute to our understanding of organisational, functional, personal and situational factors relating to perceived job stress, stress responses (in the short term) and the consequences of stress (in the long term).

- To formulate objective job stress criteria, and to bring these criteria into operation in the form of an indicator to allow the comparison of job
stress under a variety of conditions.

Objectives of Prof. Karnas' contribution to the secondary study:

- To study organisational, functional, personal and situational factors with a bearing on perceived job stress, short-term stress responses and the
long-term consequences of stress.

- To measure job stress.

Research into the impact on perceived job stress of organisational and psychosocial determinants, into short-term stress responses and into the long-term consequences of stress, including the development and validation of objective experiential indicators of job stress.

Objectives of Prof. De Corte's personal contribution to the main study:

- To contribute to our understanding of organisational, functional, personal and situational factors relating to the perception of job stress,
responses to stress (in the short term) and the consequences of stress (in the long term).

- To formulate objective job stress criteria and to bring these criteria into operation in the form of an indicator to allow job stress to be
compared under a variety of conditions.

Documentation :

Etude sur le stress au travail: scores normatifs, étude des déterminants et recherche prospective sur la relation avec l'absentéisme et avec l'incidence des maladies cardio-vasculaires: rapport final  De Backer, G. - Kornitzer, M. - Coetsier, P. ... et al  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0943)
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Studie over jobstress: normering, determinantenstudie en prospectief onderzoek van het verband met werkverzuim en met de incidentie van hart- en vaatziekten: eindrapport    Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0944)
[To download

Study of job stress: norms, determinants, and prospective study of its relation to sickness absence and to the incidence of coronary heart disease: executive summary    Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0945)
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