Research project ST/05 (Research action ST)
The impact of new technology on the working conditions of anaesthetists/resuscitators.
Objectives of the network:
To develop an evaluation methodology for new computerised devices used by anaesthetists (monitoring and control of patients, injection pressure).
To encourage the designers of these devices to develop an anthropocentric technology, focused on the users.
To prevent human error and to improve patient safety.
To evaluate the stress and emotional impact of unforeseen incidents.
Objective of the secondary study:
To test the long-term impact of new devices on the monitoring strategies applied by anaesthetists.
Anaesthetists and patients and the risk of human error: development of an evaluation methodology for computerised control and monitoring systems.
Objectives of Prof. De Keyser's personal contribution:
To develop an evaluation methodology for new computerised devices used by anaesthetists (monitoring and control of patients, injection pressure).
To encourage the designers of these devices to develop an anthropocentric technology, focused on the users.
To prevent human error and to improve patient safety.
To evaluate the stress and emotional impact of unforeseen incidents.
Note: Prof. De Keyser's team is also involved in the research coordinated by Prof. Fontaine of the ULG, entitled: "Controlling environmental and bio-psycho-social factors in the workplace: development of an interactional diagnostic model of risk factors associated with stress". His contribution to that study consists of the following:
- analysing the characteristics of the environments investigated by the network
- helping to formulate the normative model and to intervene at individual and environmental level.
Helping the team of psychologists to understand the task of the anaesthetist/resuscitator and the knowledge drawn upon in the course of an operation and in the event of unforeseen incidents.
Objectives of Prof. Lamy's personal contribution:
To enhance safety during anaesthesia/resuscitation.
To enhance the user-friendliness and safety of the computerised tools used by anaesthetists/resuscitators in the operating theatre.
To provide anaesthetists/resuscitators with tools for administering drugs with integrated functions and to assist the team of psychologists in their analysis of the tasks of the anaesthetist/resuscitator when operating computerised anaesthesia control systems.
Objectives of Prof. d'Hollander's personal contribution:
To test multidisciplinary evaluation methods for the operational safety of computerised tools used in anaesthesia/resuscitation, in full-scale simulations or in the field.
To enhance the overall quality of the computerised tools used by anaesthetists/resuscitators.
Anesthésistes et patients devant le risque d'erreur humaine: développement d'une méthodologie d'évaluation des systèmes informatisés de contrôle et de surveillance: rapport final
De Keyser, V. - Lamy, M. - d'Hollander, A. Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0949)
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Application et diffusion de la méthodologie d'évaluation systémique des technologies de surveillance et de diagnostic d'anesthésie à un système de chirurgie minimale invasive par robot: valorisation de l'étude
Nyssen, Anne-Sophie Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0950)
[To download]
Anaesthetists and patients faced with the risk of human error: development of a methodology for evaluating computerised systems of monitoring and control: executive summary
Nyssen, Anne-Sophie Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0951)
[To download]