Research project ST/08 (Research action ST)
Determining the environmental causes of cancer on the basis of specific genome anomalies. Application of this knowledge to the prevention, identification and recognition (medical and legal) of industrial diseases.
Objectives of the network:
- To research statistical links between the cytogenetic characteristics of MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome) and external factors;
- To contribute to the development of early detection tests for the harmful effects of malignant haematological anomalies and hereditary
predisposition factors;
- To help develop preventative measures for malignant haematological anomalies in workers exposed to chemical substances and in the general population;
- To improve the detection of industrial cancers with a view to possible indemnification by the Industrial Illnesses Board (Fonds des Maladies
- To participate in corresponding European projects into genome damage caused by environmental factors.
Epidemiological research into exposure-specific genome anomalies in myelodysplastic syndrome.
Objectives of the personal contribution:
To contribute to the identification of correlations between workplace and other external factors on the one hand and sub-sets of myelodysplastic syndrome on the other, and to contribute to the development of molecular epidemiological methodology.
Exposure-specific genome anomalies in myelodysplastic syndrome.
Objectives of the personal contribution:
To contribute to the identification of workplace and other external factors correlating to different cytogenetic sub-sets of myelodysplastic syndrome.
Deepening the biological foundations of epidemiological molecular research into industrial cancers.
Objectives of the personal contribution:
- To verify what is known about the interaction of the principal known carcinogenic substances in the workplace with DNA and the genome;
- To verify which oncogenes, tumour-suppressing genes and genome-stability genes are frequently associated with cancers caused by exposure in the workplace, and what is known about the mutation spectrum of these genes;
- To investigate which techniques could be used to verify whether the tumour cells carry genetic characteristics compatible with an environmental factor and which molecular and epidemiological studies ought to be given priority when it comes to developing approaches whereby this knowledge is exploited for the prevention of industrial diseases.
Study of correlation between characteristic genome changes and environmental factors: methodological and IT aspects and statistical analysis.
Objectives of the personal contribution:
Data-management and development of statistical analysis methods adapted to the objectives of the study.
Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: eindverslag
Van Damme, K. - Van Den Berghe, H. - Casteleyn, L. ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0961)
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Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: annex V
Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0962)
Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: annex VI
Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0963)
Research on correlations between specific genomic lesions and occupational-related environmental factors: annex VI
Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0964)
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