Research project ST/09 (Research action ST)
Health protection of workers exposed to mechanical vibration.
- To describe the prevalence of vascular and neurological problems in Belgian working populations in which this problem is largely ignored;
- To describe the evolution of neurological damage according to the nature of the vibration exposure;
- To establish the relationship between the subjective definition of the damage (Stockholm scale) and the results of quantitative tests on the
isolated damage to mechanoreceptors, the quality of tactile sensitivity and the functional capacity of the hand;
- To issue an assessment of the frequency weighting proposed by ISO 5349;
- To establish a relationship between the prevalence of neurological problems and individual factors, ergonomic factors and characteristics of
vibration exposure (intensity, frequency, duration).
Problèmes neurosensoriels liés à l'exposition aux machines vibrantes: rapport final
Malchaire, J. Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0965)
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Problèmes neurosensoriels liés à l'exposition aux machines vibrantes: étude annexe globale
Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0966)
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Neurological problems associated with exposure to hand-arm vibration: executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0967)
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